Set up your LLC for free, are you kidding
Your “Free LLC” May Be Expensive

Nothing is “free”! Everything in life comes with a price! Free LLC set up comes at a price that is never really “free “ – you pay the price! In the old days, you heard people say, “there’s no free lunch!” Human nature never changes, people are always wanting something for free (or at least a really great deal). It’s universal among cultures and the desire seems to stem from some inherent pride. “I got this ridiculously good deal that no one else found!”
Ever Get A “Free” Printer?
In America, “free” is routinely touted as really great! However, most learn that “free” never really means “free”; there’s always a catch. Like the “free printer” for your computer that comes in the mail, but requires special toner cartridges you can’t get at the store. The product is absolutely free, right? When you add up the amount those cartridges actually cost, the “free printer” seems a little pricey! In fact, we had a few of those “free printers” that were considerably more expensive than purchasing a quality printer and paying for the ink that was required.
Considering One Of Those DIY LLC Options?
Are you looking for a free LLC? How about a way to set up an LLC yourself? What about a cheap way to start an LLC or simply a way to begin an LLC without using a lawyer? Have you been researching those LLC kits that you can purchase? Or what about the online LLC form providers? Some of the LLC online form vendors sell Oklahoma specific kits or forms to set up your LLC without consulting an attorney.
End Result Of LLC Kits And Online Forms

We see the end result of some of the “free LLCs”. The end is often like the guy who does his own Last Will & Testament. At the hearing to have the Will admitted into probate court, the judge rules the Will isn’t valid. Before the gentleman passed from the earth, every day was the opportunity for a do-over or the chance to get things setup right. Once the last breath leaves the body, there’s no fixing a legally defective Will. The property is going to pass under the laws of the State of Oklahoma and go to people the legislature thinks should get the estate.
The same is true for setting up your LLC, it’s no time for a mistake!
Why Would A Company Do It For Free
In doing your research for a “free LLC”, have you wondered why some companies offer them for “free” while the form vendors charge for forms? Have you considered the motivation in someone wanting to give you an LLC for absolutely nothing? You should maybe ask, “what’s in it for them?” Maybe they just hate lawyers and have decided to save the world from paying attorney fees or have found the secret to
You’re Getting Forms, Not Legal Advice
The online form providers are transparent with the fact the vendor is not giving you any legal advice. You can check virtually any online LLC form company and the website will state that the company is not a law firm. The warnings are usually pretty upfront about the fact that legal advice needs to come from a licensed Oklahoma LLC attorney. With these online form companies that charge a fee, the motive of the company trying to make a profit is obvious. They sell forms to earn income.
Are Online Forms and Kits Wise?
The question of whether buying a set of forms is really a wise way to go is past the subject of this post. While we have some reasons for why a licensed, experienced Oklahoma attorney brings value to the setting up an LLC, it boils down to the choice between paying for legal advice or buying a bunch of forms.
So why pay for forms from an online vendor if you can get them for nothing? If a form is a form, then a free form is better! The free form costs less than the cheap form. Well, let’s circle back to the beginning of this post. Human nature doesn’t change. People have been and will always be “self-interested”. Convenience stores don’t give you free gas. Restaurants don’t provide you with free food and LLCs aren’t free.
Now, if you want to live in a fantasy world where you get “free things”, please don’t let us burst your bubble. We don’t want to rain on your parade and ruin your day! Go get your “free LLC” and enjoy the benefits!
Free Comes With A Price
We see “free” as always having a “price”. The more something is “free”, the higher the cost. Take for example, the freedoms and liberties that we all so “freely” enjoy in this great and wonderful country in which we live! We may be “free” but it’s because others paid a very dear price with the loss of life and limb! If your family is like ours, your “freedom” came with blood that was shed that pays for what we enjoy today. It wasn’t free!
Our Bottom Line, No LLC Is Free

Bottom line – no LLC is “free”! Generally speaking, you get out of life what you put into it. Generally speaking, you pay for what you get. The price “your free LLC” is going to cost you is coming. Y